It all started this morning when I was to get up to go to work. The reality actually bit me where it hurt the most; I was getting old and the sooner I made peace with that fact, the better it would be and the faster I would get a closure. I guess we all go through this phase of life where we have to accept the fact that things or life in general wouldn’t be the same as it used to be when we were young and somehow strangely it is something a lot of women don’t come to terms with for a long time.

Being a woman myself in her late 30’s, I can certainly relate to what I personally call “The Old Age Blues”, a feeling you get when you look in the mirror with the hopes of seeing a younger prettier version of yourself but instead find this slowly but steadily aging lady with soft crow feet that suddenly out of nowhere start to appear on the eyes accompanied by other uninvited age lines. The already worse and irreparable situation is further worsened by the numbers on the weighing scale that somehow always manage to confirm our worst fears and ruin our day, week, month and many a times a whole year.

As much as I hate doing that, I always end up finding myself standing on the weighing scale, looking down and cursing out aloud. Just yesterday I weighed a pound lesser than what this god forsaken machine is showing me. This is then followed by me suspecting my completely unaware and innocent husband of wrecking the scale setting just to get back for last night’s prank on him. Well, that my friends is the start of my day, not to forget the aches and pains in the knees and anywhere else they think it’s ok to be.

Before I go any further, let’s just rewind a bit and start by hearing that damn alarm go off right when you were in the middle of or maybe about to get to the climax of an awesome dream, something you wish would someday come true. I remember not long ago, when I would just jump straight out of bed even before my alarm went off and would be up and about the entire day with almost the same amount of energy. Sadly, that for me is now history, as the thought of leaving a warm bed just sends shivers down my spine and I find myself going deeper under the sheets while whispering, just another minute and I’ll be out.

It takes me almost an hour to adjust to the world outside my comfy bed; a hot cup of tea and a couple biscuits later, the day finally begins for me. I’m sure many of you would relate to this morning drill which is followed by another unpardonable and harsher drill, worse than what army cadets go through during their trainings. The time to put on The Makeup!!!! Now I know you all must be wondering as to why I hate doing that, since this is one and only thing that has the power to completely transform us women from an ordinary not worth a second glance girl to a high class style diva every guy would want to date or have as a girlfriend as and every married man would wish his wife could become like that. In my defense, I would like to say that one look at myself in the mirror makes me realize how fast time has flown by and it won’t be long when I too would be supporting grey hair and walking with the help of a cane stick, an image that sends chills in my body and makes me wish I had the power to reverse or freeze time.

The last nail in the coffin was my family doctor telling me to start taking multi vitamins, calcium for women over the age of 30 and a periodic check up to see if all was well, even though he told me very gently and did appear to be on his guard while he spoke. As much as I wish that I could stay forever young and just as the other truths of the world continue to stay, so will this feeling of blue.

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